この度、「FOREVER IN THE DAZE TOUR 2021-2022」を開催することになりました。「FOREVER DAZE」という今までにないほどの喜びと音楽的飛躍を得たアルバムを引っさげてのツアーをとても楽しみにしています。桑原彰が不在の中、決まっていたツアーを断念するという選択肢もありましたが、変化し続け、前進し続けることを選んできたバンドとして、この機会を何かRADWIMPSというバンドのプラスに働かせないだろうかと考えました。
想像力をあれこれ働かせ、信頼できるミュージシャンたちに相談し、直感と確信を以ってTAIKING (Suchmos)、マスダミズキ (miida)のお二人に参加してもらいたいと感じました。現在リハーサルを積み重ねていく中、その直感を遥かに超える集合体となっていっているのを日々実感します。
We are going on the road with “FOREVER IN THE DAZE TOUR 2021-2022.” I am so happy and excited to be touring with our new album “FOREVER DAZE” which marks a huge leap in our musical journey. Without Akira Kuwahara, we could have cancelled the tour but as a band who always chose the path to keep evolving and progressing, we looked for ways to turn this situation into a positive opportunity for RADWIMPS.
With creativity and words of wisdom from our fellow musicians that we trust, we had a gut feeling that it was the right decision to ask TAIKING (Suchmos) and Mizuki Masuda (miida) to join us. Through the rehearsal, our instinct has proved itself right and we are feeling the chemistry that is far beyond our expectations.
Recently, RADWIMPS have been pursuing various types of music. From working with orchestra for a film score, we worked with brass and chorus teams to trackmakers and orchestra recording musicians. Each and one of them are all essential part of RADWIMPS music. I’m confident that everyone coming to our shows during this tour will feel that way with the two guitarists and that they are the key to bring new opportunities for the band. Everyday, I am purely amazed and cannot appreciate enough for their power of concentration and commitment for this tour. We cannot wait to play this new album so I hope you are as excited as we are.
Last but not least, I hope you wish the best and wait for the return of the band members currently on hiatus.
RADWIMPS Yojiro Noda